

PROFESORES DE ITERARIO ARGENTINA: Próximos Cursos: NUEVOS HORARIOS DE AGOSTO 2015:  PORTUGUÉS INICIANTE.  Miércoles de 19 a 20:30h INTENSIVO Sábados de 15 a 18h INTERMEDIO Viernes de 1...


Clases de Música, Guitarra, Teclado, Canto, Armonía y Solfeo


Sentences with personals

Español - English

Camino. - I walk.
¿Vos caminás? - Do you walk?
Trabaja. - He/she works.
Trabajamos. - We work.
¿Ustedes descansan? - Do you rest?
A la mañana yo camino. - I walk in the morning.
¿A la mañana vos caminás? - Do you walk in the morning?
Camina por el parque. - He/she walks at the park.
A la mañana camina por el parque. - He/she walks at the park in the morning.
A la tarde ella trabaja. - She works in the afternoon.
A la tarde trabajamos. - We work in the afternoon.
Trabajamos en una empresa. - We work in a company.

Personals in spanish

Español - English

yo - I
tú - you
vos - you
usted - you (formal)
él - he
ella - she
nosotros - we
nosotras - we (female)
vosotros - you
vosotras - you (female)
ustedes - you (formal & informal)
ellos - they
ellas - they (female)




El domingo es el primer día de la semana en el calendario gregoriano y séptimo del civil, utilizado comúnmente en nuestra cultura y es generalmente festivo. El nombre "domingo" proviene del latín domínicus, díes Dómini, ‘domingo, día del Señor [Dios]’. En la antigua Roma en latín se llamaba díes solis ('día del Sol').

El lunes es el segundo día de la semana en el calendario gregoriano, primero en la semana laboral. El nombre "lunes" proviene del latín Lunae díes, o 'día de la Luna'.

El martes es el tercer día de la semana. El nombre "martes" proviene del latín Martis díes, o 'día de Marte'.

El miércoles es el cuarto día de la semana. El nombre "miércoles" proviene del latín Mercurii díes, o 'día de Mercurio'. Mercurio era el Dios del comercio y de los viajeros, por eso, sus templos se edificaban a la entrada de los pueblos. Hay tambien un planeta dedicado a él.

El jueves es el quinto día de la semana. El nombre "jueves" proviene del latín Jovis díes, o 'día de Júpiter'.

El viernes es el sexto día de la semana. El nombre "viernes" proviene del latín Veneris díes, o 'día de Venus' (diosa de la belleza y el amor en la mitología romana).

El sábado es el séptimo día de la semana. El nombre "sábado" proviene del latín sábbatum, y a su vez del hebreo shabbat, que significa descanso. Aunque también se menciona queen otros idiomas como el inglés (saturday) se puede decir que es el día de Saturno.

[In English]


Domingo is the first day of the week on the Gregorian calendar and seventh on the civil calendar, used commonly in our culture and it's generally festive. The name "Domingo" comes from the Latin dominicus, Dies Domini, 'Sunday, the day of the Lord [God]. In ancient Rome in Latin called díes solis ('Sun Day').

Lunes is the second day of the week on the Gregorian calendar, the first working week. The name "Lunes" comes from the Latin Lunae dies, or 'Day of the Moon'.

Martes is the third day of the week. The name "Martes" comes from the Latin Martis dies, or 'day of Mars'.

Miércoles is the fourth day of the week. The name "Miércoles" comes from Latin Mercurii díes, or 'day of Mercury'. Miércoles was the god of trade and travelers, so their temples were built at the entrance to the villages. There is a planet dedicated to him.

Jueves is the fifth day of the week. The name "Jueves" comes from the Latin Jovis dies, or "day of Jupiter '.

Viernes is the sixth day of the week. The name "Viernes" comes from the Latin díes veneris, or 'day of Venus' (goddess of beauty and love in Roman mythology).

Sábado is the seventh day of the week. The name "Sábado" comes from the Latin sábbatum, while the Jewish Sabbath, which means rest. But it also mentions that in other languages like English (saturday) we can say that is the day of Saturn.


Traveling to spoken spanish countries

Who has not gone to Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, México, Venezuela? Who has not chatted with neighbors and was amused listening to their stories? Who would not planned import and export? The Spanish language is the language spoken in 27 countries. Our course aims to reduce the distances and improve the quality of life of our peoples. Learn Spanish with Iterario.com! The more modern method of teaching languages! All can study, speak, understand Spanish. Our teachers are the most competent and experienced in the world, with a vision of the future turned to virtual technologies. Whether you are a partner in this global world and participate in the development of Mercosur. Remember always to repeat the lessons three times to fix and make better the repetitions aloud. Then more you exercise, will have more success. The oral exercises are an invaluable tool to help you set and never forget. Success for you! Learn Spanish with Iterario.com! The more modern method for learning languages. On your computer. On the day, on time and the place you prefer. And more benefits. Check in the subscribe area the advantages of having the lessons complete with their transcripts. Also, for teachers, we teach how to apply this method with their students. And you, as student, may acquire a second language. Good luck for you!

Learn Spanish with Iterario

Learning Spanish in Iterario? It is more than one course. It is a life told in classes! With vocabulary, sentences, conversation, exercises and teacher’s aid at any day, any time and anywhere. Listening, speaking, reading, writing are the topics used in this way. What we have to do? Just listen to the vocabulary, pay attention to the writing, repeat and do the exercises. Then you can listen again and repeat the procedure. Five minutes every day makes a difference. By clicking on the link to the "conversation" you can hear a dialogue in Spanish. It is very simple. Teachers Marcelo and Edgardo tell a story of themselves. Remember that this time, if you do not understand all the audio, do not worry, just focus on the general sense. If you still are questions, gives the benefits of obtaining the PREMIUM SIGNATURE. Knowing Spanish is important in today’s globalized world! Knowing the countries that speak spanish diminish the distance and improves the quality of life of our peoples. Studying Spanish with ITERARIO is the most modern technology and new methodology of teaching languages. Worldwide, only the United States produce this methodology for teaching languages of the American population.

Spanish the second most spoken language in the world

Although the Castilian (Spanish) language is a mainly American, are spoken on six continents, but in some form of residual almost. In America, it is official in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela, but their presence is also important in Belize and USA. In Africa, it is official in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Equatorial Guinea. On July 11, 2001, the Spanish (Castilian) was declared an official language of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), along with Arabic, English, French, Portuguese and Kiswahili. In Europe, it is official in Spain and is also talked in Andorra and Gibraltar. Clusters of immigrants in Germany, France, Italy, the Czech Republic and Switzerland. It is one of the official languages of the European Union. In Oceania, is officially on Easter Island (Chile). Clusters of immigrants in Australia. Along with the English is the western language that has more speakers. Would you like to learn Spanish? Visit http://www.iterario.com and that can help you to learning the language.